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CAR T CELL THERAPY IN INDIA | علاج سرطان الدم في الهند

REVOLUTIONIZING CANCER TREATMENT:  CAR T CELL THERAPY - Bringing new hope to cancer patient 

This revolutionary approach harnesses the power of the immune system to target and eliminate cancer cells, offering new hope to patients with certain types of cancers. The results have been so promising that CAR T cell therapy has received approval to treat specific types of leukaemia and lymphoma from regulatory organizations like the U.S.  (FDA).



CAR T cell therapy involves reprogramming a patient's own immune cells to recognize and attack cancer cells. T cells (white blood cells crucial for immune function) are extracted from the patient's blood. These T cells are then genetically engineered to express a Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) on their surface.

The CAR is designed to specifically target a protein found on the surface of cancer cells. This customization allows the modified T cells to recognize and bind to cancer cells with precision. Once bound, the CAR T cells activate the immune system to eradicate the cancer cells, offering a highly targeted and personalized therapeutic approach.




The process of CAR T cell therapy typically involves several key steps:

  • Collection of T Cells: T cells are extracted from the patient through a process called leukapheresis.
  • Genetic Engineering: The isolated T cells undergo genetic modification to introduce the CAR into their DNA.
  • Expansion and Activation: The modified T cells are cultured and multiplied in the laboratory to create sufficient CAR T cells.
  • Infusion: The expanded CAR T cells are then infused back into the patient's bloodstream.
  • Targeting Cancer Cells: Once inside the patient, the CAR T cells seek out and bind to cancer cells, initiating an immune response against the malignancy.

CAR T CELL THERAPY is very effective for all kinds of blood cancer.



To know more feel free to connect us on info@alaafiyahcare.com +91 9310434363


